The adventures of a quiet country escort ..(chapter 25)..

15:00  ..... the phone ring ..................  on the display ....... impetuous ... GENOVA BRACES .... that happens ! Will have had an impediment.... I say ......... .............

"Hello ........... do you remember ? .. Are Franco ....... we spoken this morning .....
" Hello .......... ! MASSIMO ........ how are you ... ? Confirms appointments ... .......... ? .......
" EHM ......... ! .... I'm not ...... MASSIMO, i'm Franco ......... then ......... you not  remember  ? ...........
" Let us agree ..... ! .... (Massimo / Franco) ........... you choose the name you want , when you're really sure , I record your name in  my phone book ............
" FRANCO ................
"Okay ...... ! ....17:00 .... ? ....
"Truly I called you to hear your voice .............
"Why ?
"So .... what did you have for lunch?
" ........? ? ? ? ? ...... Franco, I ate a frozen pizza ......... ! ..... We will talk to you later .....ok ?

16:00 ........ ........... GENOVA BRACES .....
With high-pitched voice ( as an adult mimicking a child ) .........(like kubrick ....the shining )….
" Hello Anna .... !
" Hello Franco ...... what happened to you .. ? Why this voice ?
" Unmpf .... ! which voice .. ...... ? ........ for our appointment , I'm sorry but an unexpected , unforeseen, prevents me from being  to 17:00 your adress.....because of an unexpected.. ( nde... original dialogues ) ....
"It's not a problem, thank you for telling me earlier.........
" But if you want we can meet  19:00 ..... only for  a greeting !
" Franco .... ! ... It is not my habit to do so .... if you want we can agree for another day .....
"No ...... ! 17:00 .. okay .... ............

At 17:00 very  puntual , the phone ring.

" Hello ..... ! I'm down of the building ......... what floor ?
" First ............ when you arrive , turn left in the hallway ........ can not go wrong ....
(sadly mistaken and should be on the opposite side)..........

I open the door and finally  see Franco, he is tall ....... very very high and smiling ........ hair style " topiary ," jaw like Kurt Russell ......... in short, had the appearance of a (cia) agent .

" Hello Anna ..! .....  .......... !  stunned ..!!......i'm  very sightly ....... I do the same effect on all women.
"Please ... get comfy ! ......
" You're beautiful ..... ! ( nde... was obviously an personal opinion ) .
"Thank you ...... ! but .. I do not deserve all these compliments ....

In the meantime ( while sitting on the bed ) , he slipped his right hand under my skirt , and touched the silk stockings  up to the rubber band ...... !!!! ......suddenly  like ( possessed ) gets up from the bed, putting his hand on his chest as one suffered a heart attack and screaming.

" AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH ! ! What are these .... .....? ?
" Franco ..! ..... Calm down are only stockings ....... !
" Stockings........ I'm sorry , in fact, ........ ! .... Mine was a scream of joy ...... !

 He knelt on the mattress ( including shoes ) and had put the whole head, under my  skirt.
"What a beautiful heady scent that ......... nice .... we love it ..... this is the triumph of beauty, we are  like Adam and Eve , beautiful and fragrant .
" Franco excuse me for interrupting you ........ but before going any further I would like to fix ..... you know what ..... ! ...
"This is not good you make me stop wanting to make love
Offended ......... ! .... Franco  closed in a silence worthy of a cloistered nun , while Tom Waits squeal  "heartattack and wine"
in my CD player, and the situation reminded one cover of one of it's old cd.


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